Announcing the Knative Quickstart plugin ¶
Published on: 2021-10-05 , Revised on: 2024-01-17
Announcing the Knative Quickstart plugin¶
Author: Paul Schweigert, Senior Software Engineer @ IBM
We're pleased to announce that the quickstart
plugin for the Knative client is now available. The plugin allows users to very easily set up a local Knative environment with just a single command using a local KinD or minikube cluster.
$ kn quickstart kind
Running Knative Quickstart using Kind
✅ Checking dependencies...
Kind version is: kind v0.11.1 go1.16.4 linux/amd64
☸ Creating Kind cluster...
Cluster ready
🍿 Installing Knative Serving v0.25.0 ...
CRDs installed...
Core installed...
Finished installing Knative Serving
🕸️ Installing Kourier networking layer v0.25.0 ...
Kourier installed...
Ingress patched...
Kourier service installed...
Domain DNS set up...
Finished installing Kourier Networking layer
🔥 Installing Knative Eventing v0.25.0 ...
CRDs installed...
Core installed...
In-memory channel installed...
Mt-channel broker installed...
Example broker installed...
Finished installing Knative Eventing
🚀 Knative install took: 1m50s
🎉 Now have some fun with Serverless and Event Driven Apps!
The plugin provides an easy way to install the main components of Knative (Serving and Eventing) via the command line, using the same tool that you use to create Knative resources...
Use the Knative client to spin up your environment:
$ kn quickstart kind
Use the Knative client to create a Knative service:
$ kn service create hello --image
Ready to try it out? Head over to the Getting Started with Knative guide to learn how to download the plugin and get started with Knative!